B31NG 4 PLU5 51Z3D 5C3N3 K1D FUCK1NG 5UCK5. 1M 50 L1M1T3D 1N WH47 1 C4N BUY C0Z 1M PLU5 5IZ3D. 1 JU57 W4N7 50M3 R1PP3D J34N5 4ND 4 FUNKY B3L7 70 R0CK 1N. H0N357LY W4NN4 DR0P K1CK 4 B17CH!!!
mobid_cherub | 1600240880000 im considered plus sized and i struggle a lot too :( i find thrifting is the best option...granted my style is more punk/kidcore/etherial so idk. but try thrifting if u haven't already!!!! |