Hi agaians! :-)! Theese are some games that r super neat but aren't mainestream! I will do myenbest!
Identity V/ Identity 5
Coraeline-esc siruvirval game!! Loogk out 4 the hunter!! :-O!!
I recnently got into this fgame and I love it!! My s/o and I play it a lotm together!
I main PRsiosner!
(My user/id is BrickPieces and 10720405!)
Mousres getitng cheese! Bubles
I don't play this a lot by myself but its superre fun!! Mainly itsv platformign, which is super fun!!
I don't knwo my stuff off the top ofv my head :-(
Fightign game where u fight 4 ur glory!! and.. coin
I usebvd to be suber in2 this one.. but I kind of don't play itanymroe. I love the chahratcers and the aesthetic! It's rlly neat!
Cute rhythym game wit unieuqe gameplay!
This 1 is kind of mainstreamb, but I love itv!! It's gootne me very into a lot of songs!! I'm curentmy working on "Ohedo Julia Nights" hyper!!! Love it love it lvoe it :-)
(My user is BrickPieces!)