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Pizza's Blog

"If you are 100% eterosexual in 2021 you're hiding"
13 years old
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Non-wired connections

Almost 1 year ago i've found the 2 web sites: "Terminal 00" and "Wired sounds for wired people" i was think they were cool so with some my friend we go and explore them, concentrating mostly on Terminal 00.
In this day I have regained interest in "Wired sounds for wired people" and even started watching the anime because i was really interrested. It turned out that my brother, to whom I don't talk so much, changed his pc wallpaper and his interrest in the same thing, I haven't talked to him yet but i think that this is pretty creepy.
Another things that i have noticed is that in Serial Experiments Lain, the anime on wich wsfwp is based, the main character has my same age, also pretty creepy.
But everything it could just be a coincidence, or is it?

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