base code:
used this as a base point for reference - changed various values to see what they'd do, etc.
i'd guess that it's uh. slightly unrecognizable at this point but i figured i should link it anyway.
layout reference: XxEmo_BitchxX's layout (
i didn't copy code here, just looked at their layout source to figure out what various elements that were not
included in my initial base code were called. i will admit to yoinking the gradient background idea just because
it's cool as fuck. (have mailed them & will remove this element if they're not comfy with me using it.)
various elements:
online now:
contact images:
no minors text:
notes: no, i will not be sharing my layout at this time. shit's messy & i'm not sharing it with the world lmfao.
now i'm going back to neopets where the fucking layouts make sense, xoxo
vulqan | 1607702105000 yepyep, used inspect element on my own layout as well as the one linked above to figure out what was what! π |
koala71783 | 1607690805000 coolcoolcool.also you can find name of things with inspect element as well βΊ |