Gender is a social construct! This means that as our society has progressed, humans have created/constructed roles to assign to humans at birth. Gender is most always based on the sex of a baby. This labeling of gender is called "Gender Essentilism," which is a concept that refers to reducing gender down to someone's sex. However, because we know gender is a construct, we also know that gender and sex are completly different.
The roles assigned to each gender are almost always limiting to that individual. These roles might dictate how someone feels about themself, what they feel obligated to wear, where they feel they belong in society or rules they might be expected to follow. It is important to realize the archetypes of women and men are constructed, and that anyone is allowed to break the constraints of gender and be who they want to be! <3
benreybenreybenrey | 1605152590000 preach, man !! |