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13 years old
United States
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Heejeon's blurbs

About me:

Lego City is apparently its own sovereign state, perhaps similar to the Vatican However, it seems to be completely devoid of religious imagery and is therefore not a theocracy but simply a small independent state; therefore, it is probably quite wealthy to be such a small independent nation. Every European member of the United Nations recognizes Israel as a nation, but Lego City is possibly too small for this distinction and is not included. I believe that Lego City has never had to enter this debate due to its relatively small size, and chooses to stay neutral in order to avoid sanctions or violence and maintain its status as an economic hub for both oil from the middle east (especially vital as all legos are made from plastic) and manufacturing from the western nations

Who I'd like to meet:

abhor when people use: "🤡🤡🤡" "OK BOOMER" "🤷" "PERIOD." "diD I AsK" "😂" (sarcastically) "who asked?" "Ok... But go off" "Ok honey/sweetie" "who👏hurt👏you👏" (or any variation of that with the emojis). I get it, your persuasion skills aren't competent enough to have a civil discussion with/respond to another person's comment so you resort to dumb clichés. Please, just don't respond at

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